Monday, July 10, 2017

Pictures of My Basically DIY American Girl Doll House -2

So here is the 2nd part of my dollhouse pictures:

This is the view of the kitchen. The trash can was from a yard sale. The mat is actually a tablecloth from the Sophia's doll lemonade set. I use it for a mat. My mom and I made the counters. They are boxes covered with scrapbook paper. We covered pieces of ;with contact paper that looks like granite. then we put painted plastic containers in holes that she cut. Added a soap dispenser cap, and we have a sink. Inside the one with the sink there is a shelf. We cut cupboard doors, too.
The fridge is a jewelry box from a thrift store. The  easel on top is from a store. I got it already painted, but they sell blank ones at Walmart. The plant is from some toy dogs we had, and the tree sign is a magnet.

The stove is from the AG camp treats set. My friend made the pie out of clay. The shelves came with little puzzles inside. The green tea pot is from camp treats. the lemons and pink plates, Sophia's dolls.  The jar someone gave to me, and I put tiny pom poms in it. The bowls are plastic easter egg halves. The mixing bowl is a broken Nalgene water bottle cap, and the desserts are from Sophia's. The canisters are bubble containers with labels.

The table and chairs are from sophia's, on amazon. It is actually the concession stand. The lazy Susan is a doll plate upside down with a coaster on top. The flowers I cut off of a bunch of plastic flowers and put them in a vase from Play Mobil, some toys that we have. The napkins are from my Sophia's sets, and the apple tea set some one gave to me. The glass bowls are candle holders, you know, tea lights, I think maybe ;) The little tea set below the apple one works well for the dolls. It came with a play kitchen set my sis got. 
Now for the living room. The set is from Journey Girls, at Toys R Us. The mat is just a pillow case that I use, and the runner is a pice on ribbon. I frayed the ends. There is a similar one on the table. The flowers are plastic, and I cut them off of a bunch. I then glued them into a cap. The art on the walls is printed out off of google images. I put it on thin cardboard.

The magazine came from one of my AG craft kits, but there are printable ones out there for your dolls. The other magazine someone gave to me. I assume it is a printable. The books were gotten at a yard sale, and Goodwill.
The grace sign is a sign that people might put on their desks. The musical instruments are a flute and a violin, cello, or viola. It depends what you want to say.

Moving on to the last room, bedroom 2. The bed is OG, and the chair is AG. I found it at a kid's consignment store. The picture on the wall is from art class, and the mat is a blanket that Mom and/or I sewed for smaller dolls. The table by the bed is a holder for coasters. the plant on it is Play Mobil. The water bottle is OG but I put a wrapper from a real water bottle on it.

The dog I got with a doll that I got on craigslist, Kate. The mat is fuzzy material cut into two hearts. The food bowl is from a little play dog set I have.

The shelf above the bed is from a stamp set put out by Melissa and Doug. The dolls are just mini porcelain dolls. The books came with mini dolls, and the book ends are erasers made to look like rabbits. The lamp is a fast food ketchup cup glued onto a bamboo skewer with beads glued on it and on on the top. Everything is then glued onto a soy milk cap. The idea was from myfroggystuff.

And here is Nutmeg. 


Sunday, July 9, 2017

Doll food

Hi everyone. Today I am going to show you pictures of my doll's food, both what I have made, and what I have gotten. There are probably lots of video tutorials on how to make doll food online, too.

So first I have made some food out of craft foam, and fake plants, and tissue paper. Basically salad stuff. Left to right: tissue paper lettuce, craft foam cucumber, carrots, and tomatoes, craft foam and fake leaves salad, felt veggie meat, craft foam veggie meat and cheese. The plastic bags are bags that extra buttons for shirts come in.

Here is my popcorn from an OG sleeping bag set.  It doesn't sit right on the table.

Some useful erasers that look like food. They fit the dolls well.

And here is the food I tried to make with clay put out by Crayola.  I then painted it with water colors, I think. It didn't turn out amazingly.

These are measuring cups that work well for mixing bowls.

These are wedding favors. I got them from a yard sale. They came with candy inside, but they work well for dolly dessert.

These are plates from the same yard sale. They are an ok size for dolls. A little big.

An example of containers that could be useful. They came from a hotel with bath salt or something in them. 

This is a lemonade set from sophia's dolls. It comes with napkins and a table cloth too. I found it on amazon.
This is a dessert set from Sophia's. It also has napkins, plates, silverware, a tray and cake stand thing. Here is the link.

This is the camp treats set from AG. I found it on sale. It is now discontinued. It also comes with a little bag. I use the cooker for a stove in my kitchen.

 These cereal containers are tic tac boxes with beads in them.  the middle one has pieces of construction paper in it. It is Al-bran. This idea came from myfroggystuff

 Here are my mini AG pizzas made out of craft foam. 

Lastly, as small raisins box. Chap stick lids with buttons on top and stickers on the side are yogurt. (this idea is also from myfroggystuff )


Meet The Dolls and Pets

Hi everyone, meet the dolls and pets...

 First we have Kate, a truly me doll that I got on Craigslist for $40. She has Oreo, the dog on the right. The dog on the left has not been named yet, and he belongs to Kaya.
 Next we have Kaya with Pal, who is a Palomino horse. She is a native American Indian, and you can learn more about her at
 Leah June: this is not the doll of the year for 2016. She is a truly me or just like me or whatever, and she belongs to my sis. She is with Penny, Felicity's horse.
Sydney lee. She is an OG doll. I may change her name. I do not know.
Lastly, Nutmeg, Julie's pet rabbit.


Pictures of My Basically DIY American Girl Doll House -1

  1. Hi everyone...I have some pictures of my collapsible AG doll house for you, so here they are. But I do want to say that most of my AG, OG doll stuff was given to me, and some was already used. I got one doll on craigslist. I also want to say that my doll house is not perfected yet. ;)

Well,  here is the view of the whole thing. It is just two tables...with AG doll size stuff under, beside, and on them.
Here is the little storage area...I have the OG (our generation from Target, not that wonderful~cheaply made) wordrobe, and then I had some small crates, in which I have food, and shoes. I also just got the small set of plastic drawers at a yard sale. I put accessories for the dolls in them. The things on to are hats for babies or dolls, I think. The hats are from Lesotho.
Here are my two vehicles. The jeep is OG (again, not that great, one door does not close quite right). It can hold two dolls, but I am not sure if the door closes all the way when two dolls are in it.
Moving on to the horse stable...we have Penny and Pal (a palomino horse). The fence is made our of rulers and Popsicle sticks, and prestick, a thing that you are supposed to hang posters, etc up with. You can probably find it at Walmart. It is not candy. ;)I just put a rope across the gap and tied it to the table leg. The floor of the stable is a puzzle board.
The counter, or cupboard, is a box that I had. I is made out of wood. I just added a shelf from our cd rack that we are not using. The buckets are the type you could probably find at a dollar store. The hose is a jump, attached to the box with prestick.
 The feeding troughs are bread pans, with blocks attached to the with, well, prestick. I put raffia inside one to look like hay. Since the wall above the troughs has an outlet, I put a night light there to cover it up, and make it look kinda like a light in the barn.
I put a heart on the wall because I am going to call the stable something to do with a heart stables, maybe. The shelf is a cardboard bok with the top cut off. I cut pieces of towel and printed out labels to put on little containers. The idea came from my froggy stuff.

The saddle and bridle are from my horses, and the whip my sis made out of some faux leather or suede strips, I think. You can probably find them at Walmart. The tack is hung on hooks that used to hold stuff on our wall. Attached...with Prestick.
 Now moving on to the bathroom which is a work in progress... the sink (a dessert bowl) is on a cardboard box that I have yet to finish. The tub is OG, and it belongs to my sis. The accessories are mine, and went with my tub that I used to have. The mat by the tub is from a dollhouse, and the little stand is a candle holder, which is holding a plate with tiny, real shells in it. ( at least I think they are...) The stool is from the OG wardrobe.
 The mirror is from a bird toy that broke. The wall display is blocks presticked up onto the wall and little things put (or maybe balenced) on. There is a little shell, a turtle, a real mini abaloni shell, a bottle with a map in it from an OG set, and a magnet that looks like a ship. It is like half a ship, 3d.
 This is one bedroom. The bed is actually Molly's bed. My mom and I sewed a different bedspread for it. I had the animal on the bed, and the picture is from an art class we did. I think it matches.
 The nightstand came with Kaya when a girl gave her to me. The fake plant is from playmobil, some toys that we have. The Bible is a little one that has on verse from each book in the Bible in it. It is for memorizing.
 The dog is corgi puppy, which I found on sale at, and asked for.  The dog mat is just a heart I cut out of fleece and one out of corduroy. The doggie food is from a set of little dogs I have. The tree was looking for a home, and I was glad to have it.
