Monday, March 27, 2017

Creating an American Girl Doll House

Most people think that to have a doll house, you have to make or buy one. But you don’t. Today I am going to tell you how to make an American Girl (or 18 inch doll) doll house from scratch. Don’t worry if you are not a carpenter. I am not either. And, this doll house is collapsible! So, if you don’t want a big doll house in your house forever (or your parents don’t) then don’t worry!  Don’t forget, when making this, to always make sure it’s okay with others if you want to use their stuff.

So first, you will need a somewhat large amount of floor space and a table if you have one. I recommend one that has space for dolls underneath it, like a card table. Well, who ever heard of a doll house without furniture? You might already have some, or you can buy some from thrift stores, stores like Target, and online. Or if you’re a penny pincher (or it’s not your birthday soon) you can make some. There are lots of tutorials online. Okay, now really, who wants a bare, boring house? Not me, or my dolls, for that matter. So, to decorate the doll house, you will need things like knick knacks, place mats, and blankets. Another option is to make some things like fake plants, if you look online. Also, if you already have some cute doll stuff like books or a computer, you can use those.

Now you can start putting it together. Of course, first you need to make sure that your floor space is clear. Then you can move your table around until you have it positioned right. After that, it’s time to decide which rooms go where. Using the furniture and decorations, you can try different arrangements. It’s okay if you move the rooms around many times. Next you can decorate the rooms. You can even add more stuff from around the house when you see that it’s needed.  Try lots of things, and be creative! Then you’re done! Yay! (Oh, wait, you have to clean up the materials you didn’t use!) I hope you have fun making this collapsible American Girl doll house!  Hopefully I can post pictures of my doll house soon.