Sunday, July 9, 2017

Meet The Dolls and Pets

Hi everyone, meet the dolls and pets...

 First we have Kate, a truly me doll that I got on Craigslist for $40. She has Oreo, the dog on the right. The dog on the left has not been named yet, and he belongs to Kaya.
 Next we have Kaya with Pal, who is a Palomino horse. She is a native American Indian, and you can learn more about her at
 Leah June: this is not the doll of the year for 2016. She is a truly me or just like me or whatever, and she belongs to my sis. She is with Penny, Felicity's horse.
Sydney lee. She is an OG doll. I may change her name. I do not know.
Lastly, Nutmeg, Julie's pet rabbit.


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